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Brand Strategy

Exploring The Art Of Creating A Luxury Brand

Luxury brands occupy a special place in our minds that keep us craving them and wanting to buy them as a statement of our unique taste and sense of style. But what would make you put your name on a six-year waiting list for a handbag? Or pay five times as much for a product...
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What are the components of a powerful brand strategy?

A compelling brand strategy or sales value proposition can act as a massive catalyst for every element of your sales and marketing activities, for the simple reason that it gives your ideal clients a tangible, compelling and well articulated reason to choose your business over your competitors. So, what does make such a strategy work?...
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Why On Earth Should Customers Choose You?

Right now your company has numerous potential customers trying to decide whether or not they should do business with you – or with one of your competitors. Your marketing strategies or your networking abilities may have got your business in front of them, you may have pitched to them with passion and energy, but unfortunately...
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How a subtle, authentic and sincere brand strategy can win the day for your business

Shouting the loudest isn’t necessarily the best way for your business to grab attention says Rahul Katrak of strategic ebusiness and marketing consultancy, Futura.  A more subtle and sincere approach will enable you to stand out from your competitors and will create a more robust, enduring brand position for your business. We live in an...
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