A compelling brand strategy or sales value proposition can act as a massive catalyst for every element of your sales and marketing activities, for the simple reason that it gives your ideal clients a tangible, compelling and well articulated reason to choose your business over your competitors. So, what does make such a strategy work? Well, it needs to position the brand in a way that isn’t just about logic. There needs to be a sense of the brand truly ‘calling out’ to the target customer – and that means drawing upon both rational and emotive elements in your value proposition.
So with that in mind, here are seven things that your brand strategy should possess or effect.
More than simply getting an emotive reaction from people, your brand needs to get the right emotive reaction, of the right intensity, from the right people. Is your brand really talking to its target customers in a personal, relevant and compelling way?
Is your brand strategy based on ideas that will spread? Will people want to talk about what your brand is about, and is there a story in your brand – beyond where your brand may have been prior to the implementation of the new strategy – that will captivate people?
Is this a brand strategy that will actually make a tangible difference – by which we mean in terms of your business’s bottom line and wider marketing and growth strategies? Will it deliver the numbers that you need it to deliver, and if it doesn’t deliver those numbers at first, what is your ‘plan B’?
Does your brand strategy have the makings of a game-changer in your industry… or will it simply lead to your brand fading into the background? A brand strategy needs to stretch your business and customers in some way. There must at least be a sense that it unearths new nuances or angles on your business, and serves as a signpost into new territory.
As mentioned above, there does need to be a sense of the new about your latest brand strategy, but also of the old. No matter how challenging and bold your brand strategy may be, there still need to be connection points to what your brand has been in the past. Will your most loyal customers see an improved iteration of the brand they already know and appreciate?
Another thing that your brand strategy must do is galvanise people. Your brand should align vision with purpose, effectively giving your target customers licence to act. It needs to bring a certain focus to the conversations that your company has had internally, squarely telling your internal stakeholders that you listened to them in the formulation of your strategy.
Is this a competitive brand strategy that will give your rivals something to ponder, or will they simply be able to carry on ahead of your company in much the same way they did before? Your brand strategy needs to wrong-foot your competitors and set out a clear way forward for your brand – otherwise, you’ll be barely a player in your industry.
Position your brand beyond reasonable doubt in the eyes of the people that matter. Contact Futura today on 020 7993 4477 to learn more about how we can bring to bear our far-reaching know-how in food and drink, estate agent and hedge fund branding to the benefit of your firm.